Planned Departure – Leave memories … not a mess

Planned Departure is all about planning well in life so that you leave memories and not a mess!

It is about starting the conversation and answering some important questions such as:

  • Is your life plan ready?
  • How do you want to plan for your family?
  • Offer the best education?
  • Or gift them happiness?
  • Or hope things will eventually fall in place?
  • Have you taken any financial advice?
  • Do you have life insurance or critical illness cover?
  • Or Do you have a Will in place?
  • Have you started the important conversation?
  • Such as where all your documents are?
  • Or shared your secret recipe?
  • Does your family know your assets and investments?
  • Or your liabilities!
  • Are they aware of important online accounts?
  • Can your family find everything they need?
  • Even when you are not around?
  • Will you leave them CHAOS ? Or Mess?
  • Or Will you leave them memories?
  • Have you planned for everything? or anything?

Now you can!!

With Planned Departure,

  • Organise scattered information in one place.
  • Leave clear instructions.
  • Put everything in order.
  • Ensure everything is there even when you are not.

We can help you avoid the mess

So that you can focus on creating memories.
Planned Departure – Leave memories… not a mess!

Sign up now and start planning.

Digital art in the 21st Century


Van Gogh certainly would not have thought about it and Picasso I feel sure would have agreed had he understood the concept, however art, whether it be digital or etched on canvas, is still, very much art by definition.

Over the years the argument that digital art wasn’t an actual form of art because it was computer generated and had infinite copies without an ‘original’ has pretty much been silenced. As technology has evolved, so too has our views on digital art.

The difference between digital art and any other art form is the fact the artist works mainly with digital technology as an essential part of their art piece – gone are the paint brushes and easels of old.


The first steps towards the evolution of art towards digital started in the 1950’s when a lot of artists and designers started working with mechanical devices and analogue computers.

Bear in mind during those times computers were very expensive. Only research laboratories, universities and large corporations could afford them. Regardless of these constraints, when the computer came into existence that’s when digital art started emerging.

From digital painting to animations, digital photography and 3D models, movies and games, they all come under the category of art. On the plus side they are accessible, on the downside there is no such thing as an original digital art form.

With digital art starting to dominate the art industry, it’s safe to assume that some artists may have numerous art pieces, complete and incomplete that need to be organised and saved securely, especially in the case of something happening to the artist. His friends and family may not know where all these art pieces are or what the artist in question would like to do with them.

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As with all digital assets, digital art is yet another facet which needs to be protected, stored and effectively passed on. I can think of nothing worse than an unfinished Rembrandt entombed in the ether for no one to access and enjoy….

14 steps you should follow in the pre-launch phase of your crowdfunding campaign

power of crowd

The wait is going to be over this week. Soon, we will be in front of the crowd.

From past two months, we have been working on the pre-launch phase of our crowdfunding campaign. In this post, I will summarise the process we have followed and preparation we have done for this campaign so far.

If you ever thought that crowdfunding is a shortcut or an easy way to raise money – Think again. We have already spent close to two months and we are still in pre-launch phase.

Crowdfunding is not easy. It is as difficult as raising money from angle or VC firms. I will write more about why we decided to take the crowdfunding route and why we chose Seedrs some other time.

In this post I want to focus on just one thing – steps we followed in the pre-launch phase of crowdfunding.

We are not live yet and we do not know whether our campaign will be successful or not. But, we are happy with the preparation work we have done and are confident enough to share what we did with you.

If you have already raised money on crowdfunding platforms before, do let us know your thoughts on our approach. If you are planning to raise money through crowdfunding platform, you may find these steps useful.

1. Check all the options and make sure that you are using crowdfunding platform for the right reasons. As mentioned earlier, do not use it or treat it as a shortcut to raise money. It’s hard work.

2. There are tons of crowdfunding platforms, do your research and use the right platform. Check their model, timeline, number of investors, activities, type of campaigns and so on. People will ask you why you have chosen the platform you have chosen and you should have absolute clarity on the reasons.

3. If possible, make some small investments to understand the process. You can be an early stage investor for as little as 10 GBP 🙂 on most of the crowdfunding platforms. It’s worth investing this amount to ensure that you know what your investors will need to do. Make sure you can answer any question and explain how platform works to your potential investors.

4. In UK, it is important to understand how SEIS works and how it is beneficial for the investors. I have found this video useful to understand and explain SEIS scheme. If you are raising money or wants to become an early stage investor, you should have a look at this video to understand SEIS.

5. Make sure your business plan is ready. As mentioned earlier, crowdfunding platforms are not a shortcut. Moment you start speaking with investors, they will ask you for the business plan. As part of the application process, you will need to answer questions related your business plan. You will need to specify your target market, calculate it’s size and specify the route you will take to capture it. You will need to tell them about your monetization strategy and convince them that you are better than the competitors. Remember, investors on these platforms will invest for better returns. They are not there to help you. They are there to make money and so you need to ensure that how your business will make money is crystal clear in the campaign.

6. Start watching campaigns and grab opportunities to meet people who have already raised money. I met Sonu and Manoj from OwnedIt before my campaign and their suggestions were invaluable. If possible, do meet people and team behind the platform you are planning to use. Tell them what you are doing and how you are planning to run your campaign. Remember, if you do not ask, you will not get. So ask for feedback and help whenever needed.

7. Start application process and plan your video shoot. Remember, these things always takes a bit more time than you think it would take. You will also need to provide proofs of everything you have mentioned in the campaign. It may be a good idea to prepare all the evidences beforehand. Do not show any stats or make any claim if you can not substantiate it with evidences.

8. Keep an eye on the campaigns which are trending or getting funded. Understand how they move, when they move and how they promote themselves. Follow their communication, read their updates and questions people are asking. Do everything you can to make yourself familiar with the platform.

9. Get your video pitch ready well in advance. Think of the visuals, transitions, background music and the message you want to convey. Watch as many videos as possible and make a note of everything you like or dislike about them.

10. Start contacting bloggers, media outlets and influential people from your industry. Create a list of people who write about crowdfunding campaigns. Get in touch with everyone who may want to cover your campaign.

11. Sell your dream and vision to your network and get commitment for at least 50% of the money you are raising. There have been many studies to prove that campaigns which start with 30% commitment are often successful. I suggest 50% because some people might change their mind and may not invest. You want to ensure that

12. Create a schedule, whom will you contact and when. If your platform has soft-launch and hard-launch, make sure you know what you will do in both phases. If platform allows you to set moving goals, make sure you know your goals and activities you will perform. Like any other project, you need to manage this ‘raising investment’ project. You will need to contact many people and you may even need to become pushy.

13. Plan all the events, possible updates, communication on social channels etc. Once the campaign is live, time will fly so you should have absolute clarity on what will happen at every stage. Visualise every milestone and activities associated with it.

14. And the final point – work hard and prepare to work even harder. There are no shortcuts for success and crowdfunding is certainly not a shortcut.

If you are raising funds, hope you find it useful. If you are not raising, wish us best wishes, register on Seedrs and stay tuned so that you can invest in the campaign for Planned Departure before it is too late..

PlannedDeparture is a KillerStartup!!!


Who/What is KillerStartups?

KillerStartups is an online publication and entrepreneur community.

They believe Internet Entrepreneurs are stars and aim to be a valuable destination for startup founders, website owners, and other internet entrepreneurs by empowering them to grow their online businesses through the information, tools, and training they offer.

Why PlannedDeparture is talking about KillerStartups

A few days ago PlannedDeparture was interviewed on KillerStartups.

It was a good opportunity to explain in depth what PlannedDeparture is all about.

How we started. Why we started. What we hope to achieve and what we have to offer.

KillerStartups help startup companies by providing a platform for us to explain what we do.

Our digital footprint is growing and becoming important every day. Our digital life has real financial and emotional value associated with it. However, there is no clear and straightforward way to transfer aspects of digital life to the right people after we pass away.”

Read more on KillerStarups.

Who is influencing your decision?

Over the years i have learnt that with adequate planning and careful decision making everything in life gets easier

But what happens if we fail to plan and get our life and affairs in order?

We often steer our lives in the direction of what happens to us in the future.  Some of us tend to make bad decisions and blame others. Some of us tend to let other people make decisions for us and then we blame ourselves or others when things don’t go the way we want them to.

I personally always make my own decisions based on the notion that if I listen to others and make decisions based on what they say, if things do not go right who should I blame?

Myself for listening or others for influencing me?

None of the above. I listen to the advice, words or statements other people might offer or say but the final decision is always mine. The decision is based on what I feel is right and best for me. That way if it goes well or bad, I know it was all me.

I am solely  responsible for my actions and their outcomes. Just as everyone else is. Life is full of ups and downs. If you constantly give yourself reasons to  fight with your inner self, how will you conquer your battle against society and the world?

As a result i like to try my best in planning and organising everything. From my finances, career, profession, holidays to my digital accounts.

Every little detail counts and that is why i personally have an account with PlannedDeparture for my digital assets. All my social account information and pictures and music are safely stored because i do not want to risk losing any information.

Just as we have measures guarding our physical assets, our digital assets are equally important.

With every step remember PlannedDeparture isn’t just here to help your loved ones in future but to support you by assuring your digital assets are safe and secure.


Are your virtual goods and property valuable?


Did you know there were different types of digital properties you could acquire?

We might not be able to physically hold on to our digital possessions but they exist and like all other properties they have their value and rights to them. Some have emotional value and some have financial value.

Games like World of Warcraft or Runsescape and others have players that spend days and hours acquiring weapons, skills potions and points for their virtual character. These items can later be sold in the real world for real money.                                                                     Example, a big battle bear in World of Warcraft costs $109.00

Itunes accounts, paypal accounts, amazon accounts, travel points etc often have saved up credit and points which can later be redeemed as cash, used to buy more goods or used as vouchers and gift cards. For example, I have air miles account and with my avios air mile points, I can buy free experience, buy cheaper tickets and so on. These air mile points are my virtual assets – but they have real world benefits and values attached with these.

My cousin bought a Dell laptop last week with her bitcoins. Some companies now are accepting bitcoins as form of payments. Now transactions are being performed without the need for a central bank which is quite convenient.

Sony allows people that buy their games to sell their property.

If you like to download music, movies, games, books, software’s, apps and academic papers which some are governed by licensing agreements which allow only the individuals that downloaded them to have access to them for it to be used only. Which means due to copyright protection, if anything happens to you, there will be a lot of challenging restrictions in terms of the material being transferred.

Your credit cards, bitcoins, business cards can all be kept in your  virtual wallet which can later be accessed by your beneficiaries with the right information.

With PlannedDeparture all of this will be taking care of. With the list of beneficiaries in your E-vault explain what happens to what, everything will be taken care of and all your property will not be locked away but given to those you think deserve, need or will appreciate it as much as you.

Protect your virtual goods, sign up with PlannedDeparture.

Image Source

Automated Thanking Machine…

This video gave me goosebumps.  It was touching and inspiring.

Sometimes in life we have to just say thank you. The word ‘thank you’ itself is a very powerful word on its own. These two words make people feel appreciated and motivated. It gives a sense of assurance and encouragement to go on doing something. By Saying thank you and meaning can change a life.

We at PlannedDeparture want to say a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ to all our subscribers, clients, followers and blog post readers. We appreciate the support. It encourages us to strive to create a bigger and better company for you.