Tech TalkFest Event – a must attend …for entrepreneurs


A few weeks back when I got the opportunity to attend one of the breakfast events organised by Tech Talkfest on Digital Policy. I personally benefited from the opportunity and got to speak to a noted guest – Sir Jim Knight who is a Labour Party MP. It also met many interesting people. So when Zoe and Ghilaine organised other events, I thought I would share this information with other entrepreneurs and like minded people so that everyone could benefit. Because, it’s all about networking and helping others :).

In case you are wondering

What is Tech Taklfest?

Tech Talkfest is a distinct, high caliber, trustworthy network of talented people providing business growth and facilitating fortuitous connections. It is a monthly event organised in London- Shoreditch.

Zoe Cunningham, Britain’s Brightest Woman in 2013 is the founder of Tech Talkfest networking events. She is also the main presenter for Tech Talkfest radio and is the managing director of Softwire Technology.

OK got it

When is the next event and more importantly what is it about?

If you are already sold to the concept then why not join them in the next event. It is definitely going to be an experience worth participating in. Journalists, business men, business women, bloggers, researchers, entrepreneurs or passionate technology professionals and electronic developers, put these dates in your calendars, diaries and notepads :).

The next event is;

FoodTech Talkfest Evening Drinks 12th August 2014

Tuesday 12th August 2014

18:30 – 21:30

Adam St Club, 9 Adam St, WC2N 6AA

Food and Technology are both hot topics right now. Join us and special guests from the tech food world to discuss the cross-over between tech and food and find out how tech is affecting the food industry, making it more accessible.

Claim 20% discount and save £4 to buy me a coffee :).

Use the following link to register and claim your 20% discount. In case you are wondering what to do with the £4 you save. Here’s a hint I love coffee ;).

Register at:

Don’t miss out.